From the beginning, we've been guided by one philosophy: to provide quality, affordable healthcare to people in need. And as we start our 15th fiscal year, we remain focused on our mission and in constant pursuit of our 2030 vision goals. Thanks to your support and strengthened by our values, we are prepared, committed, and determined to work every day for every patient.
That means we put our patients and their families first every day. Each person who is changed by access to quality, affordable healthcare is why we are in it for the long haul. People like Annette, a girl I recently met in Uganda.
She greeted us with a big smile despite having a massive tumor on the side of her face that we learned had been growing for several years. My family was saddened to hear that Annette had also been shunned by her community for having the tumor. And in a place where community is everything, this is devastating for a child and her family. During our trip, Annette came to our clinic and then was referred to our Masindi Kitara Hospital for a biopsy. I am glad to say that within a few weeks, doctors removed the tumor, and Annette is on her way to a dramatically different life.
As we share our FY 2023 annual report, I want you to think about this: Children are often rewarded for being fast, and in business, companies encourage associates to create new products faster than their competitors. But what if speed isn’t always the best measure for success? What if, instead of being fast, what matters is endurance.
Together, we can go the distance – grounded in our mission and vision – dedicated to the people and communities who deserve healthcare. Because for us, it’s about each and every patient who can now have the chance to lead a healthy and happy life.
In service,
Michael O'Neal